
Location: India

Thursday, March 27, 2008

Coulda, Shoulda, Woulda.

Three words that are of no use to anyone, least of all the person uttering them. A waste of time, energy and breath. The only purpose crying over spilt milk serves is to make us feel worse about something we’re already feeling pretty terrible about.
What I could, should or would have done would have probably altered the course of my life in some small or large way, which would mean I wouldn’t have the life I do today…and the details of my life are important. Life is in the details; they’re what make each day different from the last. They’re what make memories. Memories of springs and autumns. Of cold cold winters and the time you thought the snow would never thaw. My life wouldn’t be complete without all its freckles and pimples just so.
Pimples. Angry red blemishes that are universally considered ugly. Often thought to be brought upon by chocolate, fried food, hormones or just bad luck. Watch your diet and you can largely control them. Ummm….sure, but life without chocolate??
Freckles. Tiny brown spots that can be either endearing or unappealing, depending on the eyes of the beholder. Either way, they wouldn’t exist without prolonged exposure to the sun; and the quest for shade would render them moot. No freckles, no opportunity to find out whether you find them endearing or unappealing.
Take the leap.
And if you don’t land where you hoped to, here’s another word that should join the three big useless ones. Regret.

Tuesday, March 18, 2008


So the inevitable finally happened. In blogworld, apparantly you can play tag and get people to do various things on thier blogs. I 've just been tagged and asked to put up links to some of my posts. This is how it works:
Post 5 links to 5 of your previously written posts. The posts have to relate to the 5 keywords given (family, friends, yourself, your love, and anything you like). Tag 5 other friends to do the same. Try to tag at least 2 new acquaintances (if not, your current blog buddies will do) so that you get to know them each a little bit better. Don't forget to read the linked posts and leave comments!

Never being one to break tradition, here goes!

Family: There isnt anything that fits the bill, but the closest would be
Personal Losses

Friends: Hmm....
Who we admire

Myself: Tracing the journey....
Postcards from the trip

Love: At Bhowali

I like: Travelling travelling and travelling. I couldn't pick one, so here's the shortlist.
At Rishikesh Again
Letters vs Rubber Stamps
Up in the Himalayas!
Two Down, Two More To Go...

And now its time to tag more people!
Karmic Twists and Turns
Confessions of a woman lover
No Hidden Depths