Location: India

Tuesday, October 25, 2005

What if....?

What would life be like if we could all always speak our minds? Never mind the consequences, or about being polite; assume we could always say what we were thinking. How long do you think a blind date would last? 15 seconds? 20? What about job interviews?
Imagine being able to tell your boss exactly what you think of him at the exact moment you feel it. Imagine being with your better half and being able to tell them their breath stinks. Or being able to tell someone on the 3rd date that you might be falling in love with them!
Imagine issues of national importance. If India and Pakistan could tell each other what they really thought of one another during one of those “peace talks.” What a world that would be.
And since the things we most often don’t tell people are the unpleasant ones, think about the number of unpleasant conversations that would take place. But also think about the transparency and honesty. Think about the acrimony and bitterness.
What would a world like that be? Would we want to live in it if there were no layers, no hypocrisy? Some might argue that it would take the fun and challenge out of human relationships, while others might feel that it would be a more pleasant, more open and honest place to be in. It might eat away at our confidence levels, or it might make us stronger. It might make us simpler or it might make us more complex.
I guess we’ll never know…..all we can do is ponder upon the what ifs.


Blogger illusions said...

Dream on girl

2:17 AM  

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