Location: India

Monday, August 29, 2005


Every once in a while I have an experience which puts me under intense pressure. When I am forced to react to the situation, I realize that my reactions have surprised me more than anyone else. I leave the situation, feeling totally exhausted and stunned at the way I acted. More often than not, I see that I surpassed my expectations, and dealt with the situation better than I thought I could. Maybe I had underestimated myself, or maybe being in that situation equipped me to deal with it.
Another observation I have recently made was in connection with my very strong belief in the importance of having varied experiences, pleasant as well as unpleasant in order to grow and evolve. I feel that in avoiding unpleasant situations, we miss out on a chance to learn. This doesn’t go to say that I am not sometimes an escapist, trying to dodge an uncomfortable situation, but it does go to say that sometimes I find myself deliberately putting myself in a place from where I am not confident of emerging unscathed. I don’t quite know why I do that to myself; am I challenging myself and pushing against my boundaries, or am I just self- destructive?


Blogger illusions said...

Depends what situation you in...I had this thing of getting addicted to something and would just love putting myself through shit just to get unaddicted.

BTW: I don't think anything like self-destruction actually exists.

Lastly, heartache teaches you to stay away from red. Imagine Rupen wearing red :D

2:20 AM  
Blogger Feliz said...

What comes to mind after reading this blog is "Experience is not what happens to a man; it is what a man does with what happens to him."

Also, reminds me of what my acting teacher used to say "We are like a mountain. But what we show and most of the times live is like the tip of the mountain. When we go deep into ourselves is when we learn what kind of potential we have."

Too out of context???

2:52 AM  
Blogger Mojo said...

Maybe, but I think I know what you mean :)

2:55 AM  
Blogger Manasi said...

Im getting it all right... I understand this completely.

2:55 AM  

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