Location: India

Thursday, July 07, 2005

Statutory Warning: Cigarette Smoking is Injurious to Health

Sure it is; we all know that. Just as the generation before us did, and the generation after us does. Yet many of us continue to smoke, well knowing that by doing so we are putting our lives at risk. Who is to blame for this? The smokers for not caring about their lives? Their parents for not bringing them up properly? Well, the government seems to think the Media is (like it is for every conceivable and inconceivable ill in society). So it undertakes a preventive measure; it decides to ban all smoking scenes on the silver screen.
What a great idea! Now, supposedly, the youth will magically wisen up and kick the habit. After all, the premise is that if you don’t expose someone to something, they won’t take to it. Of course, what was conveniently missed was the fact that the public is not stupid! It is automatically assumed that the public is at large, an unthinking group of people who aren’t intelligent enough to make their own decisions, and have to be continually “steered in the right direction”.
And of course, the body to do it must be the government; which consists primarily of thieves, murderers, former convicts, and other such select individuals. They are the ones who decide for the rest of us what we may or may not do, what we may or may not watch, and in some countries, what they may or may not wear. Not only is this a violation of the freedom of choice, but is also an insult to the average man’s intelligence.
And this in the world’s largest democracy!


Blogger illusions said...

It would be nice if you acted upon this statutory warning like a mature little girl!

And stop making excuses for your inane addiction...if you want to be addicted to something then it should be love, not some silly stick like object potruding from mouth! Like your living a childhood dream of being a dragon.

3:39 AM  
Blogger Mojo said...

The point I'm trying to make is that despite the knowledge that it causes one harm, if someone still chooses to indulge in that behavior (here, cigarette smoking), noone else has the right to stand in authority over that choice. As long as they're not harming anyone else, people should be free to make thier own choices.

As for love; its an addiction like all others...again, an individual choice which others should'nt be judging you by.

5:58 AM  
Blogger illusions said...

You smoke infront/with non smokers then you are causing harm to their lungs. You smoke and your breath stinks, it is disgusting. You smoke and the environment gets more damaged. You smoke and you kiss, you taste like an ash tray. These are some instances of people tolerating a habit that has no pros whatsoever.

BTW: In previous generations, smoking was not condoned but given as treatment for High BP, hence encouraged. So, certain parts of this blog are grosly inaccurate.

6:06 AM  
Blogger Mojo said...

Thank you Pooja...
And Illusions...after that last comment, I am terribly curious about your reasons for smoking. Please enlighten :)

4:12 AM  
Blogger illusions said...

Hey I am hooked and too weak to give it up...simple.

What's yours?

12:40 AM  

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