Location: India

Thursday, August 11, 2005

Remind me again, please!

I keep telling myself everyday, that I’ll start exercising from tomorrow onwards. Of course, as we all know, tomorrow never comes. But that doesn’t stop me from promising myself again the next day to start “tomorrow.”
A couple of days ago, one of my friends’ nicknames on MSN messenger was “The way to get started is to quit talking and begin doing.”
I hardly paid any attention to it then; after all, it was like one of those many lines we hear, which are very true, yet at the same time extremely obvious. Why should we need to talk about things like these? Don’t we all know them anyway?
But then I saw it again today, and thought to myself: Why is there a market for these lines if they are so redundant? Well, I guess the answer to that is because they AREN’T redundant. Knowing something is no guarantee for remembering and applying it. And we, as human beings have a great tendency for “out of sight, out of mind.” We need to be constantly reminded.
Also, application of these things is anything but easy. How many times have we told ourselves that we will start looking for a new, more fulfilling job….soon? Or that we will go for that haircut we desperately need….next week? Or that we will quit drinking for 3 months… month? If you pay close attention to your life, chances are that you’ll be shocked at the amount you procrastinate. On the other hand, when we look at the sentence again, it seems like such a small, yet obvious part of the big picture. This reminds me of a line I read in a dear friend’s blog: The most basic skills are the hardest to master!


Blogger Mojo said...

No, i hadn't noticed that. I wonder why that's so...

1:58 AM  
Blogger illusions said...

Yeah! She's back...about the exercising thingy...It isn't that difficult considering that your office has a all you have to do is look for a partner:)

8:47 PM  
Blogger Mojo said...

Stop nullifying the excuses I have for not gymming! ;)

11:43 PM  

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