Location: India

Friday, August 12, 2005


A few days ago, I was having a conversation with a friend of mine, and we started talking about how different people think and talk; and also about how different we ourselves were a few years ago.
That got me thinking about myself. Of course I’ve changed over the years. Who hasn’t? We all have experiences that make us grow in different directions. Some people may have the same experiences and yet grow in different ways, and change in different ways. That’s when you can see their essential natures. Strong, weak, optimistic, pessimistic, etc are all manifested through the way they deal with the experiences nature has chosen for them to go through. Learning is another thing that allows us a glimpse into people’s cores. What they decide to take away from a particular incident is an indication of what they really are…..
But I digress. I guess what I’m trying to get at, in a rather roundabout way, is that I have changed due to the experiences I have had in the past as well. For better or worse, but changed, nevertheless. What is worth noticing is that when I refer to myself 5 years ago, I still use the word “me.” That’s the same word I use when I refer to myself 10, 15, 20 years ago. Obviously, I am talking about different people, almost unrecognizable as the “me” of today. Isn’t there something fundamentally wrong with that? And who am “I”? Is “me” the person I am today? Is it the person I was born as before I had any experiences that changed me? Or is it the person I will be at the end of my life, complete with all the experiences I was meant to go through and the changes in my personality resulting from those experiences?
Is this a philosophical question, or am I complicating a simple linguistic issue? :)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is a very cute post:-)...keep it up Insi!

11:59 PM  
Blogger Door said...

I call it the "evolution of people", sometimes good, sometimes bad. greetings

12:53 AM  
Blogger illusions said...

A simple linguistic issue!

8:50 PM  
Blogger Feliz said...

Reminds me of the saying "Change is the only constant."!!

2:23 AM  

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