Location: India

Tuesday, August 02, 2005

The high point of this week

Hallelujah! I’m finally back! I’ve been down with the viral, therefore home since the last week, doing absolutely nothing with myself. Watching TV and re-reading my books, that’s what I’ve been doing.
Now I’ve hit a stage where I’m not well enough to resume normal life, yet well enough to desperately want to!
So what do I do? I sit back and twiddle my thumbs some more. Some more TV, some more books. Till, a blessed friend decides to come over and see me. It’s a great thought; we both sit together and reminiscence about college days. Of course, the only purpose we serve is one of making ourselves feel extremely old, but we do it nevertheless. One nimbu paani and a cigarette later, I decide I CANNOT sit at home anymore, and will have to venture out. So the poor fella is dragged out and coerced into taking me for a bike ride. Nothing less will do. I insist I want to go to Badhkal Lake, where I haven’t been in over a year. So that’s where we go. After seeing the pitiful excuse for a lake (that’s what Badhkal Lake is now, though it wasn’t up to a year ago), we turned around and promptly came back.
I was tired but mostly felt great. I mean, how many days can one possible sit at home for? And when I say “sit at home”, I mean literally that. It’s a sad day when a girl looks upon a bike ride, which at another time would have been all but forgotten by now, as the high point of her week. Sniff sniff!


Blogger illusions said...

You poor creature...

Hey, but welcome back!

8:31 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Insiiiiiiiiiii!
My lovely curly-haired friend...I am back too:-)) after making adventurous trips all across South India!
Hope u have recovered from the viral completely.
Bye.Take care.

10:25 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ok! I meant I am back to reading your blogs. Not yet started writing mine.Bye.

9:47 PM  
Blogger Mojo said...

Lol....yes, wonderstorm, I know what you mean. And Singh...the world of alcohol if nothing else had been put on a hold since the past week at least. Now its time to remedy that; what say?

10:51 PM  

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