Location: India

Tuesday, July 19, 2005


Yesterday I went shopping. (Yes, I know…I shop a lot!) And as usual, picked up a whole bunch of things I had no intention of buying before I saw them; and then ran around trying to find the things that I HAD gone to buy. Finally, after 2 hours, I found them and thankfully headed back home.
On the way back, for some reason, I was feeling on top of the world, (I guess its true; shopping does give you a high!) and I pressed down on the accelerator a little more than necessary. I was racing. The windows were rolled down and the wind was hitting my face. I felt great! Great, that is, until sanity made its presence felt, and asked me what exactly I thought I was up to. Slowly the foot eased off the accelerator and I was driving at a decent speed again.
When I got home, I received a call from a friend of mine, who is a rally driver. We decided to go for a drive in his rally car. Now I could sit back and enjoy the speed without the responsibility of control. That is bliss! So we drove around on the outskirts of the city, creating a racket and going at an insane speed that I would never have attempted if I were in the driver’s seat! After the drive, I got out of the car; my legs shaky, strands of hair blown loose from my hairclip, and adrenaline pumping through my veins. And a huge grin on my face!
Maybe next time I’ll drive that car!!


Blogger Mojo said...

Well, I'd choose speed over weed any day...and yes, I'll remember to put the seat belt on before i get behind that wheel :)

12:05 AM  
Blogger illusions said...

Putting your life at risk is good for an adreneline rush, but you should buckle up in the driver's seat. At least, that way you have the control!

4:59 AM  
Blogger illusions said...

Ok, it seems both Mojo and Pooja didn't understand what I am trying to say in my comment:

The key word is not buckling up, and not is "Driver's seat"...

Now do you catch on to what Uncle Rupen is trying to say!

10:43 PM  
Blogger Mojo said...

Two things here, uncle Rupen:
1. Being in control ALL the time is absolutely no fun. Sitting back and letting someone else take control for a while provides a welcome break.
2. With all the wisdom you have to impart to us younglings, it wont be long before we start calling you magus ;)

11:03 PM  
Blogger illusions said...

Pricey Mojo??

4:09 AM  

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